The St.Andrew's Cross on the envelopes in the 16th century

  • [size=large]The St. Andrew's Cross placed on the front of an envelope or of a folded letter is an old distinctive postal symbol indicating exemption, pre-paid postal invoice or franking.

    Such use originates in the first half of the 16th century and was inspired by a Burgundian symbol– a tangible sign of the adherence of Tassis’ post to the ideology of the Habsburg Empire.

    This study in italian with rare images clarifies the origins of the postal St. Andrew's Cross that were not evident previously.
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  • Non posso vedere qualcosa, mi dispiace.

    Liebe Grüsse vom Ralph

    "Der beste Platz für Politiker ist das Wahlplakat. Dort ist er tragbar, geräuschlos und leicht zu entfernen." Vicco von Bülow aka Loriot.

  • Hello Francesco

    thanks for the membership - I can read and see it now, but I do not understand a lot, as my little knowledge of Italian is fading from year to year.

    But it is phantastic, what you show there and I LOVE those really old letters. :P:P:P

    Liebe Grüsse vom Ralph

    "Der beste Platz für Politiker ist das Wahlplakat. Dort ist er tragbar, geräuschlos und leicht zu entfernen." Vicco von Bülow aka Loriot.